
UNI EN ISO 19085-4:2018

UNI EN ISO 19085 4 2018

UNI EN ISO 19085-4:2018

Macchine per la lavorazione del legno - Sicurezza - Parte 4: Sezionatrici verticali per pannelli

Data entrata in vigore: 14 giugno 2018

La norma fornisce i requisiti e le misure di sicurezza per le sezionatrici verticali per pannelli fisse a carico e scarico manuale. Essa tratta tutti i pericoli, le situazioni e gli eventi pericolosi relativi alle macchine durante il funzionamento, la regolazione e la manutenzione come previsto e nelle condizioni prevedibili dal fabbricante compreso l'utilizzo improprio ragionevolmente prevedibile. Sono inoltre prese in considerazione le fasi di trasporto, assemblaggio, smantellamento, disattivazione e demolizione.

Recepisce :
EN ISO 19085-4:2018

Adotta :
ISO 19085-4:2018


ISO 19085-4:2018
Woodworking machines -- Safety -- Part 4: Vertical panel circular sawing machines

In allegato preview ISO 19085-4:2018 riservato abbonati

ISO 19085-4:2018 gives the safety requirements and measures for manually loaded and unloaded stationary vertical panel sawing machines, hereinafter referred to as "machines".

NOTE 1 In manual loading, the operator puts the work-piece directly onto the work-piece support, with no intermediate loading device to receive and transfer the work-piece from the operator to the cutting position. In manual unloading, the operator removes the work-piece directly from the work-piece support, with no intermediate unloading device to transfer the work-piece from the cutting position to the operator.

ISO 19085-4:2018 deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events as listed in Clause 4 relevant to machines, when operated, adjusted and maintained as intended and under the conditions foreseen by the manufacturer including reasonably foreseeable misuse. Also, transport, assembly, dismantling, disabling and scrapping phases are taken into account.

NOTE 2 For relevant but not significant hazards, e.g. sharp edges of the machine frame, see ISO 12100:2010.

ISO 19085-4:2018 is also applicable to machines fitted with one or more of the following devices/additional working units, whose hazards have been dealt with:

- an integrated feed device;

- a device for scoring;

- an angle cutting device;

- a middle support device;

- programmable end stops for parallel vertical cuts;

- a device for grooving with a width of at most 20 mm in one pass by using a milling tool; and

- a panel pusher.

The machines are designed for cutting panels consisting of:

a) solid wood;

b) material with similar physical characteristics to wood (see ISO 19085‑1:2017, 3.2);

c) composite materials with core consisting, for example, of polyurethane or mineral material laminated with light alloy;

d) polymer-matrix composite materials and reinforced thermoplastic/thermoset/elastomeric materials; and

e) gypsum boards, gypsum bounded fibreboards.

ISO 19085-4:2018 does not apply to machines

- with pressure beam and saw unit mounted behind the work-piece support;

- where the guide rails on which the saw unit moves vertically are fixed on the machine frame and the horizontal cut can only be made by manually feeding the panel;

- designed to cut in vertical direction only;

- which are displaceable;

- automatically performing two or more cutting cycles in sequence;

- intended for use in potentially explosive atmosphere; and

- manufactured before the date of its publication.


Fonte: UNI

Certifico s.r.l.

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P. IVA: IT02442650541

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Assistenza: +39 075 599 73 43

Testata editoriale iscritta al n. 22/2024 del registro periodici della cancelleria del Tribunale di Perugia in data 19.11.2024