Interpelli Sicurezza

ECHA’s Information on Chemicals

More clarity on hazard information of chemicals


More details are now available on the hazards and classification of substances in the infocards and brief profiles. This improves the transparency of the public data on more than 120 000 chemicals.

Helsinki, 12 May 2017 - With an update to ECHA’s Information on Chemicals portal, the critical property for sensitisation has been split to indicate whether a substance is a respiratory or a skin sensitiser. In addition, the infocard and brief profile now show when a classification and the critical properties of a substance are affected by impurities or additives and to what extent the classification presented in the database is shared among the notifiers.

Other improvements to the database include:

  • Grouping of uses by lifecycle: the use information on the substance is presented by phase, for example, use in the manufacturing site, consumer and professional uses.
  • Search by nanoform: you can set nanoform as criteria in the Advanced search and get those substances where registrants have indicated a nanoform in their dossier.
  • Search on uses with free text: you can search for a use in free text in addition to the predefined categories.
  • Indication of last submission year per registrant: the registrants/suppliers list in the registered substances’ dossiers shows which of the registrants have updated their dossier and when.

These improvements were done based on stakeholders’ feedback. With this additional clarity on the information published, we remind registrants on the importance of keeping dossiers up-to-date.

ECHA will continue to make the data more readable and user-friendly as well as available in different formats. In March, we already took a step in this direction by making key data on 15 000 chemicals available to use for download in a structured IUCLID format. This data can be reused to improve the safe use of chemicals, enable innovation and help avoid unnecessary testing of chemicals on animals.

NOTE: The update of the portal will be done progressively during Friday 12 May

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Testata editoriale iscritta al n. 22/2024 del registro periodici della cancelleria del Tribunale di Perugia in data 19.11.2024