
CEN/TS 17943:2023 | Characterization of waste

CEN TS 17943 2023 Characterization of waste

CEN/TS 17943:2023 | Characterization of waste

ID 20314 | 04.09.2023 / Preview attached

CEN/TS 17943:2023 Characterization of waste - Guidance on the determination of the content of elements and substances in waste

This document provides guidance to the characterization of waste. It applies to all types of waste, with unknown or partially known composition, by giving examples of EN standards dedicated to waste characterization and analytical methods for parameters not covered by standards. Some requirements concerning the determination of inorganic elements and organic substances content in waste are given to achieve approximately 90 % or the highest possible mass.

In case information on the origin or on the composition of the waste is given by the owner of the waste, it might be sufficient to follow only part of this document to complete missing knowledge about the waste.

Valid from 01.09.2023



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