
Guidance Sheets Regulation (EU) 2016/426 Gas Appliances (GAR) / 09.2023

Guidance Sheets GAR

Guidance Sheets Regulation (EU) 2016/426 Gas Appliances (GAR) / September 2023

ID 21578 | 26.03.2024 / In allegato Linee guida

Gas Appliances Regulation (GAR): Guidance Sheets - Version 3 - September 2023

A. Interpretations relating to the articles of the Regulation (EU) 2016/426
A1 Appliances and its fittings covered by the Regulation
A2 * Gases covered by the Regulation
A3 Regulators and Connecting hoses used to connect appliances to the fuel source; Other components affecting gas safety

B. Interpretations relating to the Essential Requirements of the Regulation (EU) 2016/426 (Annex I)
B2  Gas Appliances incorporating electrical and/or electronic components
B3  Boiler body / forced draught burner matching
B6 Failure of a safety, controlling or regulating devices
B8 Ignition and combustion
B11 Rational use of energy, state of the art
B12 Remote operation of Gas appliances
B13 Electronic distribution of instructions and manuals (through the internet or by CD/DVD)
B15 Reference to national, regional and local regulations
B.16 * Use of plastic materials in the combustion circuit

C. Interpretations relating to the procedures of the Regulation (EU) 2016/426 (Annex II)
C1 Acceptance of manufacturers test results
C2 On-site checks
C3 On-site checks surveillance
C4 Quality system
C5 Examination and evaluation of the quality system
C6 Uncertainty of Measurements
C7 EC Surveillance during extra-ordinary circumstances with travelling restrictions

*= new in version September 2023


Fonte: CE


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Testata editoriale iscritta al n. 22/2024 del registro periodici della cancelleria del Tribunale di Perugia in data 19.11.2024