
ISO 13855

ISO FDIS 13855   Safety of machinery   Positioning of safeguards with respect to the approach of the human body

ISO/FDIS 13855:2023 / Safety machineryPositioning safeguards with respect approach human body / Ed. 22023

ID 20386 | 13.09.2023 Status: FDIS / Preview Abbonati in allegato / Download scheda

ISO/FDIS 13855:2023
Safety of machinery - Positioning of safeguards with respect to the approach of the human body

Currently published ISO 13855:2010

Rispetto alla norma EN ISO 13855:2010-10 sono state apportate le seguenti modifiche:

a) Documento rivisto redazionalmente; 
b) Immagini riviste; 
c) Verifica delle basi e delle formule di calcolo; 
d) È stata aggiunta l'appendice con una panoramica delle grandezze fisiche utilizzate.
Life cycle ISO (Update 13.09.2023):

ISO 13855 FD

This document specifies requirements for the positioning of safeguards with respect to the approach of the human body or its parts from the detection zone, plane, line, point or interlocking guard to:

- the nearest hazard within the span-of-control of the safeguard, and
- any safety-related manual control device.

Approaches such as running, jumping or falling, are not considered in this document.

NOTE 1 The values for approach speeds (walking speed and upper limb movement) in this document are time tested and proven in practical experience.

NOTE 2 Other types of approach can result in approach speeds that are higher or lower than those defined in this document.

This document applies for safeguards used on machinery for the protection of persons 14 years and older.

Safeguards considered in this document include:

a) electro-sensitive protective equipment (ESPE) such as:

- active opto-electronic protective devices (AOPDs) as described in IEC 61496-2;
- active opto-electronic protective devices responsive to diffuse reflection that have one or more detection zone(s) specified in two dimensions (AOPDDRs-2D) as described in IEC 61496-3;
- active opto-electronic protective devices responsive to diffuse reflection that has one or more detection zone(s) specified in three dimensions (AOPDDRs-3D) as described in IEC 61496-3;
- vision based protective devices (VBPDPP) as described in IEC/TS 61496-4-2
- vision based protective devices (VBPDST) as described in IEC/TS 61496-4-3
b) pressure-sensitive mats and floors as described in ISO 13856-1;
c) two-hand control devices as described in ISO 13851;
d) single control device;
e) interlocking guards as described in ISO 14119;
f) pressure-sensitive edges as described in ISO 13856-2 and bumpers as described in ISO 13856-3.

This document is not applicable to safeguards (e.g. pendant two-hand control devices) that can be manually moved, without using tools, nearer to the hazard zone than the separation distance.

Protection against the risks from hazards arising from emissions (e.g. the ejection of solid or fluid materials, radiation, electric arcs, heat, noise, fumes, gases) are not covered by this document.

Protection against the risks arising from failure of mechanical parts of the machine or gravity falls, are not covered in this document.

Where safeguards are used solely to prevent start or restart of hazardous machine functions or movements, the separation distances derived from this document are not applicable.

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Testata editoriale iscritta al n. 22/2024 del registro periodici della cancelleria del Tribunale di Perugia in data 19.11.2024