
BREF Waste Gas Management and Treatment Systems in the Chemical Sector

BREF Common Waste Gas Management and Treatment Systems

Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for Common Waste Gas Management and Treatment Systems in the Chemical Sector / Final Draft 03.2022

ID 10839 | Update news 07.05.2022

EU 03.2022 Final draft
EU 10.2021 Final draft
EU 2019 Draft 1
EU 03.2022

This BREF concerns the following activity specified in Annex I to Directive 2010/75/EU: 4. Chemical industry (i.e. all production processes included in the categories of activities listed in points 4.1 to 4.6 of Annex I, unless specified otherwise).

Information sources and the derivation of BAT

These data give a rough indication of the magnitude of the costs and benefits. However, the actual costs and benefits of applying a technique may depend greatly on the specific situation of the installation concerned, which cannot be evaluated fully in this document. In the absence of data concerning costs, conclusions on the economic viability of techniques are drawn from observations on existing installations.This document is based on information collected from a number of sources, in particular through the TWG that was established specifically for the exchange of information under Article 13 of the Directive. The information has been collated and assessed by the European IPPC Bureau (of the Commission's Joint Research Centre) who led the work on determining Best Available Techniques (BAT), guided by the principles of technical expertise, transparency and neutrality. The work of the TWG and all other contributors is gratefully acknowledged. The BAT conclusions have been established through an iterative process involving the following steps:

- identification of the key environmental issues for the sector;
- examination of the techniques most relevant to address these key issues;
- identification of the best environmental performance levels, on the basis of the availabledata in the European Union and worldwide;
- examination of the conditions under which these environmental performance levelswere achieved, such as costs, cross-media effects, and the main driving forces involvedin the implementation of the techniques;
- selection of the BAT, their associated emission levels (and other environmentalperformance levels) and the associated monitoring for this sector according to Article3(10) of, and Annex III to, the Directive.Expert judgement by the European IPPC Bureau and the TWG has played a key role in each of these steps and the way in which the information is presented here. Where available, economic data have been given together with the descriptions of the techniques presented in Chapter 3.
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Testata editoriale iscritta al n. 22/2024 del registro periodici della cancelleria del Tribunale di Perugia in data 19.11.2024