
IARC Monographs Volume 128

IARC Monographs 128

IARC Monographs Volume 128

Acrolein, Crotonaldehyde, and Arecoline

This volume of the IARC Monographs provides evaluations of the carcinogenicity of three chemicals: acrolein, crotonaldehyde, and arecoline.

Annex 1: Supplementary material for Section 1, Exposure Characterization
Table S1.1 Representative methods for the analysis of acrolein
Table S1.2 Representative methods for the analysis of acrolein biomarkers and metabolites
Table S1.3 Environmental guidelines for exposure to acrolein by inhalation
Table S1.4 Exposure assessment review and critique for epidemiological studies of cancer in humans
Table S1.5 Exposure assessment review and critique for mechanistic studies in humans


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