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ECHA | Guidance exposure limits at the workplace

Appendix to Chapter R 8

Appendix to Chapter R.8: Guidance for preparing a scientific report for health-based exposure limits at the workplace

Guidance on information requirements and chemical safety assessment

Version 1.0 August 2019

This document has two parts, the first addresses the findings of the ECHA/RAC – SCOEL Joint Task Force that examined alignment of methodologies for setting exposure limits at the workplace, whilst the second part outlines how to prepare a scientific report for identifying such exposure limits.


Table of Contents
Appendix R.8-17: Guidance for preparing a scientific report for health based exposure limits at the workplace
Part I. Alignment of methodologies in accordance with the ECHA/RAC-SCOEL Joint Task Force findings
Part II. How to prepare a scientific report for health based exposure limits at the workplace
A.8-17.1. Introduction
A.8-17.1.1 Regulatory process for setting limit values
A.8-17.2. Preparation of the report for the derivation of workplace exposure limit values
A.8-17.2.1 Data collection
A.8-17.2.2 Health effects
A.8- Evaluation of the hazard data and selection of points of departure
A.8- Specific considerations on health effects and Mode of Action
A.8- Outcome of the hazard assessment
A.8-17.2.3 Exposure limit values and notations
A.8- Occupational Exposure Limits
A.8- Short Term Exposure limits
A.8- Biological Limit Value
A.8- Biological Guidance Value
A.8- Notations
A.8- Cancer dose-response assessment
A.8-17.2.4 Methodological aspects of exposure monitoring
A.8- Air monitoring
A.8- Biological monitoring

Fonte: ECHA

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Testata editoriale iscritta al n. 22/2024 del registro periodici della cancelleria del Tribunale di Perugia in data 19.11.2024