Certifico 2000/2025

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Good Practice Risk Artificial Optical Radiation

Good Practice Risk Artificial Optical Radiation

Non-binding guide to good practice for implementing Directive 2006/25/EC

Most workplaces contain artificial optical radiation sources and Directive 2006/25/EC lays down minimum health and safety requirements regarding exposure of workers to such sources. The European Commission non-binding guide to good practice for implementing Directive 2006/25/EC pinpoints applications posing minimal risk and provides guidance on others. It sets out an assessment methodology and outlines measures to reduce hazards and check for adverse health effects.

European Commission Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Unit B.3
Ed. 06.2010


Certifico s.r.l.

Sede: Via A. De Curtis, 28 - 06135 Perugia - IT
P. IVA: IT02442650541

Tel. 1: +39 075 599 73 63
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Assistenza: +39 075 599 73 43


Testata editoriale iscritta al n. 22/2024 del registro periodici della cancelleria del Tribunale di Perugia in data 19.11.2024