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Practical Guide for downstream users article REACH

A pratical guide for downstream user article REACH

Orgalime Practical Guide for downstream users, article producers and article importers for understanding REACH

This Orgalime guide is intended to provide practical guidance to downstream users using chemicals in their industrial (including engineering) processes as they prepare themselves to the new legislation. It is also addressed to producers and importers of articles. It does however not extensively address obligations of manufacturers or importers of chemicals, nor the obligations of formulators (“first level downstream users”).
Since the first version issued in May 2007, further REACH provisions have entered into force. The October 2009 update of the guide therefore provides for additional information on selected issues in order to further help companies to understand REACH. These focus more particularly on communication requirements in the supply chain, substances in articles, authorisation and restriction procedures, the Substance Information Exchange Forum and implementing legislation under REACH. Model letters to facilitate communication in the supply chain have also been included.
The guide has been structured in a way that readers learn about REACH requirements in a progressive manner:
- Firstly, basic facts of REACH, main definitions and acronyms are explained to foster a common understanding of the information given in the guide, followed by an overview of important dates and deadlines.

- Secondly, the guide provides for four quick screens for engineering companies to identify in how far they are affected by the Regulation and the following requirements in particular: Registration of substances used in engineering processes - Registration of substances in articles - Notification of substances in articles and communication requirements - Authorisation of substances.

- Thirdly, issues of particular relevance to Orgalime industries are explained in more detail in individual guidelines. Also, links to other guidance documents provided by authorities or industry are compiled in the Orgalime guide to facilitate information gathering for engineering companies.

- The guide finishes off with a one page summary of REACH timelines and main obligations for Orgalime industries.

ORGALIME May 2007, Last update October 2009


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Testata editoriale iscritta al n. 22/2024 del registro periodici della cancelleria del Tribunale di Perugia in data 19.11.2024