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CEI EN IEC 61851-1:2019

CEI EN IEC 61851 1 2019

CEI EN IEC 61851-1:2019 / IEC 2017

Sistema di ricarica conduttiva dei veicoli elettrici
Parte 1: Prescrizioni generali

Classificazione CEI: 69-7
Data pubblicazioneE: 2019-09

La presente Norma si applica alle apparecchiature di alimentazione per veicoli elettrici per la ricarica di veicoli elettrici stradali, con una tensione di alimentazione nominale fino a 1 000 V c.a. o fino a 1 500 V c.c. e una tensione di uscita nominale fino a 1 000 V c.a. o fino a 1 500 V c.c.
La Norma in oggetto sostituisce completamente la Norma CEI EN 61851-1:2012-05, che rimane applicabile fino al 05-07-2022.

Questa Norma viene pubblicata dal CEI nella sola lingua inglese in quanto particolarmente mirata a settori specialistici.
La presente Norma recepisce il testo originale inglese della Pubblicazione IEC.

Questo documento sostituisce la EN 61851-1:2011.

This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2010. It constitutes a technical revision.

This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:

a) The contents of IEC 61851-1:2010 have been re-ordered. Numbering of clauses has changed as new clauses were introduced and some contents moved for easy reading. The following lines give an insight to the new ordering in addition to the main technical changes.

b) All requirements from IEC 61851-22 have been moved to this standard, as work on IEC 61851-22 has ceased.

c) Any requirements that concern EMC have been removed from the text and are expectedto be part of the future version of 61851-21-21.

d) Clause 4 contains the original text from IEC 61851-1:2010 and all general requirements from Clause 6 of IEC 61851-1:2010.

e) Clause 5 has been introduced to provide classifications for EV supply equipment.

f) Previous general requirements of Clause 6 have been integrated into Clause 4. Clause 6 contains all Mode descriptions and control requirements. Specific requirements for the combined use of AC and DC on the same contacts are included.

g) Clause 9 is derived from previous Clause 8. Adaptation of the description of DC accessories to allow for the DC charging modes that have only recently been proposed by industry and based on the standards IEC 61851-23, IEC 61851-24 as well as IEC 62196-1, IEC 62196-2 and IEC 62196-3. Information and tables contained in the IEC 62196 series standards have been removed from this standard.

h) Clause 10 specifically concerns the requirements for adaptors, initially in Clause 6.

i) Clause 11 includes new requirements for the protection of the cable.

j) Specific requirements for equipment that is not covered in the IEC 62752 remain in the present document.

k) Previous Clause 11 is now treated in Clauses 12 to 13. The requirements in 61851-1 cover the EV supply equipment of both mode 2 and mode 3 types, with the exception incable control and protection devices for mode 2 charging of electric road vehicles (IC-CPD) which are covered by IEC 62752.

l) Clause 14 gives requirements on automatic reclosing of protection equipment.

m) Clause 16 gives requirements for the marking of equipment and the contents of the installation and user manual. This makes specific mention of the need to maintain coherence with the standards for the fixed installation. It also contains an important text on the markings for temperature ratings.

n) Annex A has been reviewed to introduce complete sequences and tests and to make the exact cycles explicit. Annex A in this edition supersedes IEC TS 62763 (Edition 1).

o) Annex B is normative and has requirements for proximity circuits with and without current coding.

p) Previous Annex C has been removed and informative descriptions of pilot function and proximity function implementations initially in Annex B are moved to Annex C.
q) New informative Annex D describing an alternative pilot function system has been introduced.

r) Dimensional requirements for free space to be left around socket-outlets used for EV energy supply are given in the informative Annex E.

s) The inclusion of protection devices within the EV supply equipment could, in some cases, contribute to the protection against electric shock as required by the installation. This is
covered by the information required for the installation of EV supply equipment in Clause 16 (Marking).



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Testata editoriale iscritta al n. 22/2024 del registro periodici della cancelleria del Tribunale di Perugia in data 19.11.2024